IEC SB RAS - Raisa P. Dorofeeva

Raisa P. Dorofeeva

Scope of expertise: A specialist in thermophysical properties of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, assessment of thermal regime in the upper Earth’s crust, interpretation of geothermal data for East Siberia.

  1. R.P. Dorofeeva, S.V.Lysak Geothermal profiles of the lithosphere in Central Asia // Tectonophysics, 1989, # 164. Р.165-173.
  2. Dorofeeva, R.P. & Sintsov, A.A. (1990). – Heat flow of South-East Zabaikalye and East Mongolia. – Geologiya i Geofizika, 31(9), 130-141 (in Russan).
  3. R.P. Dorofeeva, S.V.Lysak, F.D.Duchkov, V.N.Balobaev, V.A.Golubev, L.S.Sokolova Terrestrial heat flow in Siberia and Mongolia In: Terrestrial Heat Flow and Ceothermal Energy in  Asia.  Eds.M.L.Cupta  & M.Yamano. Oxford and IBH Pudlishinq CO. PVT, LTO, New Delhi, 1995 p.251-280.
  4. Duchkov, A.D., Lysak, S.V., Golubev, V.A., Dorofeeva R.P. & Sokolova L.S. (1999). – Heat flow and geothermal field of the Baikal region. – Geologiya i Geofizika, 40(3), 289-304 (in Russian).
  5. Kutasov I.M., Eppelbaum L.V., Dorofeyeva R.P. Physical-mathematical Problem of the Recent Climate Reconstruction from Subsurface Temperatures Logs. Scientific Israel – Technological advantages. – 2000.-V.2, # 1. – P.79-83.
  6. Dorofeeva R.P., Shen P.Y., Shapova M.V. Ground Surface Temperature Histories Inferred From Deep Borehole Temperature-Depth Data in Eastern Siberia. – EPSL. - 2002. -  V. 203, #3-4. – P. 1059-1071.
  7. Dorofeeva R.P., Shapova M.V. Geothermal studies of underwater boreholes in lake Baikal. In book: Long Continental Records from Lake Baikal” (Ed. by K.Kashiwaya). Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Japan, 2003. – P. 43-60.
  8. R.P. Dorofeeva, P.Y. Shen. Pleistocene/Holocene transition Inferred From Deep Borehole Temperature-Depth Data in Eastern Siberia (RUSSIA). Abstracts, Week A, IUGG2003, June 30-July 11, 2003, Sapporo,  Japan, JWSO4/04P/D-010, P.-A.200.
  9. Kachukov, V., Lykov, D., Pevzner, L.,Khakhaev, V., Vorobeva, G., Antipin, V., Gvozdkov, A., Geletii, V., Goreglyad, A., Kalmychkov, G., Kravchinskii, V., Kuzmin, M., Kukhar, L., Sapozhnikov, A., Tomilov, B., Bukharov, A., Golubev, V., Dorofeeva, R., Logachev, N., Zheleznyakov, N., Mandelbaum, M., Vorobeva, S., Golberg, E., Grachev, M., Zheleznyakova, T., Ziborova, G., Levina, O., Likhoshvai, E., Mats, V., Khlystov, O., Fedotov, A., Bishaev, A., Duchkov, A., Kazantsev, S., Vail, D., Novachek, N., Oberkhensli, K., Shvab, M., Vilyams, D., Karabanov, E., King, D., Pek, D., Prokopenko, A., Ioshida, N., Kavai, T. & Khorie, S.. – A continuous record of climate changes of the last 5 million years stored in the bottom sediments of Lake Baikal. – Geologiya i Geofizika, 1998, 39(2), 139-158 (in Russian).

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About Us

1949 and USSR Academy of Sciences Presidium Decree, dated February 24, 1949 as a response to the foundation of the Branch. It was renamed into the East-Siberian Geological Institute in 1957; since 1962, it had been known as the Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB AS USSR and obtained its current name in 1992.

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